FEDSEAL Elastromeric Sealant
A multi-purpose elastromeric, solvent based, gap filling material that can be used for roofing materials, plastic, PVC, ceramic and wood materials. It’s waterproof and weatherproof! It come in different colors to match your roof color
Sizes: 4L, 1L, 1/2L, 1/4 Tipid Pack (82.5ml)
FEDERAL Marine Epoxy
A two-component epoxy-based adhesive and surfacing compound or putty which when applied increases strength, durability, reliability of the materials where it is used.
Sizes: 1G, Quarter Set, Pint Set, 1/2 Pint Set, 1/4 Pint Set
FEDERAL All-Purpose Epoxy
General all-purpose epoxy-base compound that effectively bonds various rigid materials such as glass, metal, ceramic, etc.